Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Project 1-Stage 1

The space I chose to advertise and re-define is The Little Chapel of Silence located on the USC campus nestled right next to the well-known Town and Gown banquet hall. The chapel sits in a nicely shaded courtyard with students as passer-by’s with the few additional students sitting on a bench near by talking on their cell-phones. I had never been to the chapel before and I was unaware that I could just walk in; therefore, I asked a staff member in Town and Gown for directions since the site lacked direction and signage of any sort. Once I had entered the chapel I noticed it was small, quaint, charming, quiet, and intimate space. There were small colorful stained glass windows of circular and clover shapes. The current seating is very church-like; complete with wood benches facing the direction of what seemed to be an altar, however the altar did not seem too church-like. Above it was a gorgeous large wood carving of a flourishing tree. Under the tree was a prayer box inviting one to write a prayer and slip it in the box. On either side of the box were two notebooks and in these were stories and wishes. The floor is a rich red and the lighting was very dim with gold chandelier’s casting almost forest shadows.

The audiences I want to attract are primarily students who are interested in getting away from the day-to-day campus life, for instance students involved in yoga, nature, history, philosophy, architecture, art, personal discovery etc. The space is not well known and I would like to update it by having a brighter lighter feel. I would add more stained glass windows and more lighting fixtures to bring a more youthful appearance. I would also like to have a less church like seating arrangements during certain times for people to feel like it is not only a space for worship but also a space for personal reflection and meditation. I want to have cushions for people to sit and relax on the floor for a meditative vibe instead of benches.

This sight is small and intimate; therefore, I would do a brochure advertisement showcasing the space and promoting its meditative qualities. I want the brochure to have a special quality, making the person looking at it feel like they’re getting the scoop on a special private spot on campus. I want to incorporate the tree imagery that is so powerful in the chapel as well as the stained glass. I would like to have a hand-crafted quality to make it seem more personal and less generic for the new incomers.

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